All Within Reach

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All Within Reach

Jordi Nadal


Fragments of a true love story

A man feels a tender love for a woman. It is simply love. And he waits, he waits patiently until she is ready to love him back. She is hesitant while he remains delicately persistent, but unhurried, despite the desire that transforms him. He trusts that his words, persistent and sweet, will finally convince his beloved. She cannot bring herself to give in. Finally, after thirty encounters – the thirty chapters of his book – the lovers come together.

The poetic prose of Jordi Nadal, with echoes of Tagore and Salinas, represents the dialogues, monologues and fantasies of a lover in wait, immersed in the sounds of a twenty-first century man.

The work has been translated into Greek, Portuguese, French and Catalan.

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ISBN: 9788416256181

Páginas: 62

Tema: Literatura y ensayo

Colección: Ficción

Formato: Digital

Año de publicación: 2014

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