The Days that Tear Us Apart

The Days that Tear Us Apart

By Laia Soler

Winning novel of the Literary Award “La Caixa” / PLATAFORMA, the young adult literary contest with more participation in Spain.

Big Ocean

Big Ocean

By Jaime Royo-Villanova

A modern fable about the possibillity of personal redemption.

The Inspector Who Milked Cows

The Inspector Who Milked Cows

By Luis J.Esteban Lezáun

The mixture of suspense, psychology and spirituality makes of this book an original work, that in addition to captivate the reader, provides valuable lessons for everyday life.

Blue Eyes in Kabul

Blue Eyes in Kabul

By Anabel Botella

"Anabel Botella opens a little but deep wound in our hearts, to fill us, finally, with a little hope.” Anika Lillo, from the blog Anika Entre Libros

Original Sin

Original Sin

By Maria Helena Feliu

Novel set in the Civil War Catalonia, which will delight the readers of the novels by Jaume Cabré.



By Phil Camino

A novel set in 20th century France, about dreams, triumphs, defeats and the infinite ways we can love.

Judas Coins

Judas Coins

By Carlos Lens

Power, money, knowledge, honour and glory; the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Salomon is at it's highest splendour.

Sweet Pumpkin Filling

Sweet Pumpkin Filling

By Mark Salter

Life always grants you another opportunity. Bruno and Francina know this very well.

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