Emily or The Games of Power

Emily or The Games of Power

By Francisco J. Tapiador

A novel about the dimensions of power and the failures of personality

A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope

By Francesc Miralles

What would you save from a fire?

Mister Señor Brown

Mister Señor Brown

By Francisco J. Tapiador

A novel of deft rhythms and a trail-blazing, intelligent structure which obliges the reader to continually reconsider his way of interpreting information.

London after you

London after you

By Jara Santamaría

Some people, the ones that really matter, go away but are never really gone.

Heima is Home in Icelandic

Heima is Home in Icelandic

By Laia Soler

A beautiful adolescent romance mixed with a travel writing.

Between two universes

Between two universes

By Andrea Tomé

A novel which combines romance with elements of the mystery novel, both of which reflect on death and the meaning of life.

At the end of street 118

At the end of street 118

By Clara Cortés

Living at the end of street 118 is not easy.

The fire I burn into

The fire I burn into

By Mike Lightwood

Being gay makes life very complicated.



By Melanie Rostock

When you have tasted the bitter, the sweet tastes better.



By Damián Alcolea

An extraordinary emotional journey in which two people will find the key that will enable them to leave their labyrinths.

The Disciples of Baco

The Disciples of Baco

By Daniel García Giménez

A ready-made market amongst wine lovers.

Butterfly Heart

Butterfly Heart

By Andrea Tomé

Victoria and Kenji share a secret: the scars across their wrists.

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