¡Buen camino!

¡Buen camino!

By Josepe García Miguel

Marco García Frei didn't know what the real meaning of that salutation, or how it would change his life.

Africa in 10 Words

Africa in 10 Words

By Jordi Serrallonga

Survival manual in the cement jungle

Praying to God

Praying to God

By Sor Lucía Caram

A passionate nun willing to change the world

My Cloister is the World

My Cloister is the World

By Sor Lucía Caram

How to combine the cloistered life with a restless and free spirit?

Bombay Smiles

Bombay Smiles

By Jaume Sanllorente

The Trip that Changed My Destiny



By Marta Aguilar

A lost maternity's story

Putting Life on the Rails

Putting Life on the Rails

By Jorge Font

The Strenght of the Weakness

Lary, the Tenacity of a Siren

Lary, the Tenacity of a Siren

By Lary León

Need is what pulls you through, what makes the world go round.

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