Making Money in the Stock Exchange Is Possible

Making Money in the Stock Exchange Is Possible

By Josef Ajram

The Ajram Method for non-financial people

Graphology in Talent Management

Graphology in Talent Management

By Sandra M. Cerro Jiménez

An introduction to the applications of this fascinating yet controversial technique, increasingly used by businesses all over the world.

Commercial Intelligence

Commercial Intelligence

By Luis Bassat

Throughout the book, we'll discover that commercial intelligence isn't simply a ruse in order to sell more.

Living without Boss

Living without Boss

By Sergio Fernández

The 50 Mistakes of the Entrepreneur

Your Personal Brand

Your Personal Brand

By Fabián González H.

Connect Your Profesion with Your Passion

Gente emprendedora

Gente emprendedora

By Manuel Bermejo

Entrepreneurial People, Quality People

365 Sales Techniques

365 Sales Techniques

By César Piqueras

Effective tips to help make you a better salesperson

Meditations on Management

Meditations on Management

By Ventura Ruperti, Jordi Nadal

«This remarkable book gently yet persuasively invites the reader to an oasis of quiet reflection. Its beautiful words refresh what we already know to be right but have forgotten.»

Gandhi Organizations

Gandhi Organizations

By José Luis Montes

Companies that Are Changing the World

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