Two years have gone by since Oscar escaped from the hell that his life had become, rising from the ashes to burn with his own fire. However, whenever the ghosts of the past come back to torment him, the flames occasionally run riot and develop into a fire that cannot be controlled.
Darío fought extremely hard to melt the ice that was freezing him from within. When the chance of a lifetime comes along in the form of a musical competition, he knows that he has to jump at the opportunity with both feet, although he is still trying to get used to the notion of being free, having previously lived a repressed life.
Sergio always wanted to be a superhero. When he meets Óscar, the only thing he wants to do is to save that boy with the sad eyes. However, he soon realises that that real-life villains are much worse, and that superheroes are occasionally no more than humans.
Will they all have a happy ending?
Mike Lightwood was born in Seville, grew up in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and currently lives in Madrid. Even so, his heart will always be in Hogwarts, from where he still hopes to receive a letter one day. His passion for the arts led him to create the literary blog Alas de Papel, active since 2009, and later his Youtube channel, MaikoVlogs. He combines writing with his work as a driver, which has allowed him to translate more than twenty books up to this point, as well as his work as a manuscript reader for various publishing houses.
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