A year has passed since he met her and now he sees her everywhere: on the street where it happened, in his house, in the store… he follows her closely and only he can see her. Everyone seems to have moved on, but Simon feels trapped in an endless spiral with the ghost.
Maria has always had a rather odd way of dealing with problems: running from them. After what happened with her family, she took a flight and ended up in France where her mother was from to start her life over from scratch. The only thing that ties her to her past are the postcards her brother sends her, always without a return address, one-way chats.
When they find a photo in one of Valeria’s books and read the letter written on the back, the only plausible option seems to be to try to find the owner to return it to her, right? And maybe, while they’re at it, to try to solve some problems along the way.
Clara Cortes was born in 1996 in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), in a family passionate about literature. At present combining studies in Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with her literary career, she has won numerous short-story contests at the regional and national level, and collaborates with the digital magazine Fantas y Mundo reviewing novels for young people. At the End of Street 118 is her first novel.
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