When you are sent to spend an entire summer in your father's house, far away from your friends, with his wife and your horrible brothers-in-law, you know your life couldn't get any worse. I hate the horrigemes, but that doesn't change the fact that one of them gave me my first kiss and now the other might be my private math tutor. I have to survive this summer no matter what. So I have written a list of rules that I have to follow in order to avoid an epic disaster… But what will happen when, against all odds, I break the most important rule of all: do not fall in love? It looks like, in reality, my life could definitely get worse.
Andrea Herrero (better known online as Andrea Smith) was born in 1993 in Cabezón de la Sal, a small town in Cantabria, where she currently lives. A graduate in primary education, she is a coffee lover. She has always been an enthusiast of reading and writing, fact that lead her to begin publishing her novels on the online platform Wattpad, where she now boasts a large community of readers. In 2015 she was one of the winners of the Wattys Awards for the work you have in your hands, My Plan D.
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