

When you have tasted the bitter, the sweet tastes better.

By: Melanie Rostock

398 pages

bullying - love story

Bambi knows what is to be different, even her name is different. She knows how it feels when your schoolmates look down on you every day and you are unable to do anything about it. But writing gives her the strength she needs to go forward, because she is certain of it, she is good at something.

Liam has never had a normal family, and this is not only because of their economic problems. His father is aggressive and drinks more than usual, and his mother does not want to see the reality of it. The future does not seem to offer many options for someone like him, but secretly he dreams of becoming a writer.

When Bambi and Liam meet in a writing workshop, they soon realize that literature unites them beyond books. They share something that can save them from falling into the void despite of the fact that she comes from a wealthy family and he is a neighbourhood kid. But when it comes to love, belonging to opposite worlds is sometimes an insurmountable obstacle.


Melanie Rostock

About Melanie Rostock

Melanie Rostock (Versailles, 1984) studied Tourism. Later she completed a Master Degree in Publishing, which led her to create with other partners a publishing house dedicated to youth and romantic literature which abandoned later to pursue a career in writing.

She has two cats and lives in Barcelona, although very often his mind goes back to Edinburgh, where she rediscovered her passion for writing and began her first fantasy novel, which turned out to be a great learning experience to her following works.

Bittersweet, is her first published novel, which has had a major impact on literary blogs and social networks for her vision about bullying. She is also author of Mójate, an erotic novel that employs a “choose your own adventure” style which is available on digital platforms.

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