Sweet Pumpkin Filling

Sweet Pumpkin Filling

Life always grants you another opportunity. Bruno and Francina know this very well.

By: Mark Salter

110 pages

Literary Novel

'Another rendez-vous full of silence and intrigue, two grateful informers, the number eleven always present and in the end, LOVE.' Juan Celis, La Isla Libros bookshop, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

This novel deals with renewed love, about the courage to face second opportunities, being dragged along by feelings but from the calm that life experience blesses us with. So it doesn’t deal with the desire to find it, but the need to share love. It could be that we are speaking of selfish love, something like ‘I don’t love you for what you are but for what you make me feel’. Loneliness is also dealt with, of ending our days alone and about when this fear appears we start to look for the person who can fill this void.

Just like Totó in Cinema Paradise, Bruno, the main character of this novel has become a successful man but behind a failed love life he discovers what’s real, what really matters is that sincere and pure love that was always there but he wanted to forget about.

The difference resides in the fact that, for Totó it’s too late, while Bruno can still begin afresh.


Mark Salter

About Mark Salter

Mark Salter is a businessman in Spain. He has a family, house and dog. He decided to write this autobiographical novel with the pseudonym so as not to reveal his dream to anyone in particular. He travels all over the country, continues to study, writes in his free time, burning the midnight oil.

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