Ignacio Azcona is a Police Inspector that receives a tip from a confident. Police headmasters and various government administration officials might be involved in a Barcelona-based sordid net of child prostitution. Ignacio finds himself forced to develop a secret investigation, eluding his bosses’ control. Adding to that, some affective problems will provoke in the officer insufferable stress. Luckily, the unexpected help from a mysterious scientific club will make the situation more bearable.
Born in Zaragoza in 1972, Luis J. Esteban Lezáun is a Bachelor in Law for the UNED and a Bachelor in Political Science for the Salamanca University. In the nineties he was admitted as an Inspector in the Police School of Avila, after achieving the best grade in the opposition exams. After fifteen years in the police corps, he was promoted to Chief Inspector, being, once again, the best grades in his course.
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