Parenting in a digital era

Parenting in a digital era

By: María Zabala

264 pages

The digital revolution of the last thirty years has changed everything at an accelerated pace. Today more than half of the world's population communicates, learns, works, shops, organises, reads or is entertained with the Internet. Just like in other areas, families can no longer ignore their children's digital education. But there is no need for alarm – it will require developing criteria for good digital behaviour that can be passed on to children. As the author points out, "this book is an invitation to worry a little less and to work a little more on everything that has to do with us, our children, technology and connectivity. It is not a manual on how to educate in the digital era, but rather on what is important to bear in mind if you happen to be a parent nowadays".

Key facts:

  • Digital health is an increasingly important issue for the well-being of parents and children. This is a practical book that provides parents with clear, sensible advice and criteria to properly manage their whole family's digital environment.
  • The author, who is very active on social networks, has a lot of experience in advising on digital culture and how to use it in a beneficial and healthy way.



María Zabala

About María Zabala

María Zabala (Madrid, 1975) is a Spanish journalist. She collaborates with families, educational institutions and companies developing digital culture initiatives, as well as giving workshops and conferences. She is responsible for the iWomanish platform, where she shares information on responsible and informed coexistence with technology.

Twitter: @iWomanish
Instagram: @mzabala

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