Educating in nature

Educating in nature

By: Katia Hueso

256 pages

Nature and human beings are like a bad marriage where we are not allowed to get a divorce. Well, nature is, and we’re not. Despite the fact that we put our lives on the line, we are unable to act collectively for its good. What can we do? Katia Hueso is convinced that education is the best tool to shake up this narrative. In this new book, she proposes various ideas for education in nature to be much more than a nice expression, so that it is not just a part of the curriculum but something multi-dimensional, which of course includes parents as much as teachers.


Katia Hueso

About Katia Hueso

Katia Hueso studied Biology in Leiden (Holland) and, after travelling all over the world, she returned to her homeland to settle down in a quiet village in Sierra de Guadarrama, situated between the provinces of Madrid and Segovia. She is a mother of three daughters and works as a consultant and university professor in the environmental field. In 2011 she founded the Nature Playgroup Saltamontes (Grasshoppers), the first outdoor school in Spain. She is also the author of Somos naturaleza (2017) (We are nature) and Jugar al aire libre (2019) (Playing outdoors), both published by Plataforma Editorial.


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