The author of this book is a teacher who since beginning to pursue her profession knew that traditional teaching methods were not suitable for what life later demands of adults. Convinced that the objective of a teacher is not to get kids to complete worksheets or finish planned class content without caring about the needs and rhythms of the students, she wanted to try new tools, conceived with the uniqueness of every class and each student in mind. Once she confirmed that her innovative practices worked, she began to share them on the internet, piquing the interest of thousands and thousands of professionals and parents. In this book Raúl Bermejo offers the knowledge and techniques that he used in his day-to-day with kids with the goal of helping other teachers who want to change their way of working but don't know how to, as well as inspiring parents and mothers who want to stimulate their children's creativity and unleash their talent which is precisely, the author maintains, the goal of all good teachers.