

The consequences of helicopter parenting

By: Eva Millet

168 pages

From the “furniture” model to the “altar” model

We have moved from an era in which children were treated as though they were part of the furniture, left very much to their own devices, to a society in which they have become the core of family life. This approach to childrearing, far from producing mature, autonomous and natural children, creates hyper-protected, often insecure children and with a strong sense of entitlement. This book provides advice on how to step back from this model, to enjoy a more serene and relaxed approach to parenting.

Written with great humour and freshness, this book reflects an everyday reality with which many parents will identify. The author analyses the causes of the phenomenon of hyper parenting and provides practical advice on how to overcome it.


Eva Millet

About Eva Millet

Eva Millet Malagarriga (Barcelona, 1968) is a journalist and holds a degree in information sciences from UAB. She has worked in London for The Guardian and BBC radio where she was a correspondent in Mexico. She contributes regularly to La Vanguardia’s Magazine and other supplements of the same newspaper, as well as publications from the group RBA and magazines like History and Life. She has two children.


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