The Curse of Intelligence

The Curse of Intelligence

Why being too intelligent is a problem

By: Carmen Sanz Chacón

208 pages


Rights sold to: China (Heilongjianh Education Publishing House CO., Ltd.)

This is the first book to address the problems faced by this cohort written in simple language and containing completely new ideas.

The author, a clinical psychologist specialising in the extremely gifted, explains in this book why being intelligent is a curse for many children and adults. Being extremely intelligent can lead to rejection by those around you, affecting self-esteem, motivation and social development, with possible life-long traumas creating depression or aggression. Using simple, direct language, this book will help parents, teachers, counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and highly-gifted individuals themselves to fully understand their needs and improve the attention they currently recieve. 


Carmen Sanz Chacón

About Carmen Sanz Chacón

With a degree in the physical sciences, clinical psychology and an MBA, Carmen Sanz Chacón is an expert in intelligence and giftedness. She was the director of Telefónica in Spain and President of the Spanish Federation of Women in Management. She currently manages El Mundo del Superdotado and serves as president of the Fundación Inteligencia y Sociedad [Intelligence and Society Foundation]. She has developed a therapy for the intellectually gifted.

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