Thanks, Finnland

Thanks, Finnland

What we can learn from the most successful education system

By: Xavier Megarejo

208 pages


The PISA report has become the most precise tool for measuring the quality and success of the education systems of participating countries. For the last decade Finland has stayed at the top of the ranking in all of the important indicators, especially reading comprehension and mathematics. Finland has managed to establish an extremely successful education system without creating a social fracture between the best and worse students or pressurising students to reach extremely high levels.

How can we adapt the features that have allowed this educational system to become a model for success? This book provides the keys to help us understand the success factors and apply them to reality. 


Xavier Megarejo

About Xavier Megarejo

Xavier Melagrejo Draper (Barcelona, 1963) has a degree in psychology and a Ph.D in pedagogy; he is the director of Colegio Claret in Barcelona and an expert in the Finnish education system. He is author of Ante la adversidad (Facing Adversity).

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