Make the most of your time with your son

Make the most of your time with your son

By: Eulália Torras de Beá 

140 pages


- What consequences do have nurseries in the development and health of children? - A very useful guide to achieve the balance between work and family.

‘Nurseries are needed by parents, not the baby,’ maintains the author. Today we know a lot about the needs of a baby and child, about the irreplaceable value of parental love. That said, current work commitments mean that many babies are brought up in nurseries, with undesirable consequences.

This book explains the effects of a nursery on the development of the child, according to different scientific studies and it suggests alternatives so that parents can spend more time with their children.


Eulália Torras de Beá 

About Eulália Torras de Beá 

The author is a practising psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. She set up the Foundation that takes her name 40 years ago.


It is dedicated to the psychiatric and psychological attention of children, adolescents and adults.


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