The Joy of Teaching

The Joy of Teaching

¿How to keep getting shivers when you get into a classroom?

By: Josep Manel Marrasé

160 pages


¿How can one rediscover the teaching universe? ¿How to keep getting shivers when you get into a classroom? ¿How to make teaching a pleasure?

After several years teaching in different levels and areas, the author offers a bunch of tips to improve the results at class and, as a consequence, professional and personal satisfaction. 

It’s all about including some resources from theatre, music, science… everything’s valid as long as you can tell what do the pupils like, what inspires them and what encourages them to overcome. ¿Is it an ambitious goal in a moment when school failure and misgiving with the education system are on vogue? On the contrary, the author is absolutely convinced that, to get over these feelings it is necessary to rise the level and take advantage of the potential and talent of the people you are about to teach.


Josep Manel Marrasé

About Josep Manel Marrasé

Josep Manel Marrasé has a degree in Chemical Science for the Barcelona University and is a doctor in Sociologist and Politic Science for the Salamanca University. He has a long career in teaching, always combining management tasks with being a professor in various areas of science. He also is the author of numerous books of these areas. Nowadays he is an assistant director and a Mathematics teacher in the Hamelin-International Laie School.

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