Quantum physics for hippies

Quantum physics for hippies

By: Lukas Neumeier, James Douglas

160 pages

Quantum physics for hippies is a fun conversation between a nerd and a hippie chatting about curious and fascinating concepts such as the probability waves of the universe, parallel universes, the probability dance, Schrödinger’s cat, quantum entanglement, and the influence of gossip. In this enriching story, the characters embark on an incredible journey into the nature of reality which will change their lives forever. Written for quantum physics and accompanied by fun illustrations, this book deals with the strange and mysterious world of quantum physics and makes it accessible for everyone, including hippies and nerds.

Key facts:

  • Quantum physics at an educational level continues to make fascinating reading material for many readers who are interested in scientific topics.
  • The authors, young doctors in Physics, combine solid knowledge with the ability to share it with a sense of humour.
  • The English edition published last year has many good reviews on Amazon.



Lukas Neumeier

About Lukas Neumeier

Lukas Neumeier was born in Germany in 1985. He received his doctorate in quantum nanophotonics from the Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas –ICFO (Institute of Photonic Sciences) in Barcelona in 2018. Currently, he is trying to get ahead in the south of Germany.

James Douglas

About James Douglas

James Douglas was born in New Zealand and lives in Barcelona. He received his doctorate from the University of Oxford in 2011 for his work on ultra-cold quantum gases.


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