Emmy's tree

Emmy´s tree

El árbol de Emmy

By: Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón

168 pages

Emmy Noether was the most important female mathematician in history and one of the most outstanding female scientists of all time. Despite her significance, however, she continues to be virtually unknown. As a woman, a Jew, and a female mathematician in Germany during the first third of the 20th century, she overcame every obstacle her society and lifetime placed in her path. Emmy’s Tree explores the life of an exceptional person – one whom Albert Einstein considered to be a genius.

The author takes an intimate yet rigorous look at Emmy and puts the reader right inside the stories of many other women in mathematics, a discipline that was and continues to be male-dominated.


Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón

About Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón

Eduardo Saenz de Cabezón (Logroño, 1972) studied mathematics and theology, is Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of La Rioja and member of the group Big Van Científicos Sobre Ruedas, who travels the world giving monologues to bring science to the general public. His monologue "A theorem is forever" won the FameLab Spain 2013 Award (an international initiative which aims to promote the popularization of science through monologues).

Watch here his TED talk.

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