


By: David Bueno i Torrens

264 pages

This book explains what the epigenome is and the impact it has on our lives. The epigenome is the “grammar” that gives sense to the words “that genes would be”. And therefore, people with the same genetics (the same group of words) can function in different ways depending on their epigenome (according to how these words are ordered). Even though we are not able to change our genetics, we can act on our epigenome through our lifestyle and environment.


David Bueno i Torrens

About David Bueno i Torrens

David Bueno i Torrens (Barcelona, 1965) has a PhD in Biology and is professor in Genetics and researcher at the University of Barcelona. He has been a researcher at the University of Oxford and the University of Innsbruck (Austria), and at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (Germany). He is director of the collection of science books in the University of Barcelona. He writes for Ara newspaper.

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