The secret life of insects

The secret life of insects

La vida secreta de los insectos

By: José Carlos Otero

296 pages

The author of this book wants us to be curious about the lives of insects and to worry about their survival. When did they first appear? How do they mate? How far can they travel? How do they orient themselves? How do they live in society? Are they in danger of extinction?

The survival of human beings depends on the biosphere and its balance, which would not be possible without insects. The Secret Life of Insects is a reminder that we can still know, understand, preserve and protect them.


José Carlos Otero

About José Carlos Otero

José Carlos Otero González (1950) is a biology doctor at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Currently he lectures at the Zoology Department of the Faculty of Biology, where he was the dean from 1992 to 1999.

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