The toll that scoundrels, villains, thugs and murderers take on society is ceaselessly renewed. Even as ages pass, circumstances change and generations grow old, evildoers continue to contribute to the many variations of criminality. At any given time, there will be people willing to seriously harm, injure, or torture others. Currently there are efficient methods to explore the brain circuits and neural and hormonal networks of individuals with a propensity for hard crime who stand out among soft crime delinquents. Neurología de la maldad (The Neurology of Evil) focuses on the research on the biology of people who are predisposed to anti-social and amoral behavior. This knowledge is becoming more and more useful for those who deal with the most corrosive cases from the trenches of justice. The book centers on recent, high profile criminals and offers a disturbing panorama of the resources that nest in the imaginations of the most dangerous people, but does not overlook the most common anti-social tendencies.
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