On the art of reading

On the art of reading

By: Gregorio Luri

104 pages

10 theories of education and reading

How do we learn to read? And, even more importantly, what does learning to read mean?

If, as the author claims, we need to learn to read quickly as children in order to be able to enjoy reading slowly as adults, then we need to find a comfortable place and a quiet moment, because the delight of the text will last a long time.

This text is the revised version of a lecture that Gregorio Luri gave at the 4th Edita Forum in 2019, a meeting to discuss the book world held in Barcelona each summer.



Gregorio Luri

About Gregorio Luri

Gregorio Luri Medrano was born in Azagra in 1955. He has lived in Catalonia since 1978. He is a husband, father and grandfather. He started off studying to be a teacher, then graduated in Pedagogy, and he also holds a doctorate in Philosophy, all of which has allowed him to teach at all levels from school to university. However, as he himself points out, the title that he is proudest of is that of “schoolmaster”. He has received several awards and prizes including the Juan Gil-Albert Essay Prize and the Improve Your Public School Award. He has published two dozen books on history, philosophy and pedagogy. He has also written prologues and epilogues to books by various authors, including Rita Levi-Montalcini’s Tu futuro (Plataforma Editorial, 2017). He is also the author of El deber moral de ser inteligente, which was published by Plataforma Editorial in 2018.


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