The Reformation

The Reformation

By: Francisco García Lorenzana

240 pages

The discovery of America in 1492 and the rupture of Western Christendom in 1517 marked the departure from the Middle Age and the arrival of the world we know today. The rebellion of a mysterious, German friar triggered one of the most important events in European history. One that led to the reconfiguration of the continental map and broke the essential unity of all the West around one church and an imperial idea. Nothing would be the same again after Luther.


Francisco García Lorenzana

About Francisco García Lorenzana

Francisco García Lorenzana (Giengen an der Brenz, Alemania, 1966) holds a degree in modern history from the University of Barcelona and has broadened his postgraduate studies in editorial techniques, document management, and communication and political leadership. His professional career developed mainly in the editorial world, most notably with his work for Edhasa, Círculo de Lectores and the editorial direction of Ediciones Minotauro.

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