Lives in Conflict

Lives in Conflict

By: Alfonso Verdú Pérez

296 pages

In the largest prison in Latin America, a man in chains tries to escape from the multiple walls that contain him, including those of his mind. In Somalia, a war lord furiously bangs his fist on the table while he curses the international community. A market of millions of camels in the heart of Darfur (Sudan) hides the key to reach thousands of refugees who are directly in the firing line. Not that many thousands of kilometers from there, in Damascus, a group of Iraqi refugees access, in silence and through a church, a hidden clinic.

Alfonso Verdú shares dozens of stories which we would otherwise never read, to later leave us alone with them. Situations presented from a unique perspective: from someone who has lived and travelled with them throughout a decade of humanitarian work.

We will find realities of people and populations which the author was able to accompany for years, becoming a privileged witness through their more difficult circumstances. All of this was done to make us see clearly that even if the world remains an incredibly difficult place for countless people, it is always possible to act and, sometimes, to even have an impact.



Alfonso Verdú Pérez

About Alfonso Verdú Pérez

Alfonso Verdú (Ibi, Alicante). Has studied at various European universities. He holds a Degree in Law and specialised in International Humanitarian Law, International Relations and Humanitarian Aid. These qualifications led him to be part of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières), beginning his career in humanitarian work.


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