Afghanistan: Life beyond the Battle

Afghanistan: Life beyond the Battle

A revealing chronicle about the everyday life of the inhabitants of Afghanistan.

By: Antonio Pampliega

220 pages

Current Affairs - Memoir

First hand and moving account of everyday life in the country.

At one of the most bustling corners of Kabhul there is a magical place, impregnated with the smell of the pages of thousands of books, that for more than twenty years bring together all those who need to engross themselves in another world, far from the violence and injustice of the street. Beyond that spot there’s a cinema that, thanks to the passion and bravery of an anonymous hero, has resisted decades of invasions and looting. People no longer queue up to enter, but there are still those that need to dream if only for a short while facing the big screen. Two boys, weather-beaten by necessity and enthused by the example of their parents, put on an original business that, thanks to its fresh approach and determination, has quickly got more customers. A football coach risks his prestige and his life training a group of twenty women who, for a couple of  hours can take off their burka and be themselves. These are some of the anecdotes with which the journalist, Antonio Pampliega, shows us the warmth and courage of the inhabitants of Afghanistan. They make for both a moving and an astonishing tale.


Antonio Pampliega

About Antonio Pampliega

Antonio Pampliega Rodríguez graduated in Science and Education at the European University of Madrid. In 2008 he began to travel to the main areas of conflict in the world; Irak, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan . He is currently a collaborator with the newspaper, Público, for the weekly, Tiempo. La Sexta Notícias and Telemadrid, amongst others.

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