Having fun at work

Having fun at work

By: Sergio de la Calle

224 pages

The secret ingredient for the best companies

In his first book, Lead with a sense of humour, the author defends humour as the most undervalued skill in the professional world. He explained its benefits in different areas (communication, creativity, stress and conflict management) and he taught how to use humour effectively at work. The purpose of Divertirse trabajando (Having fun at work) is to discover how the most desirable companies have achieved this goal and have commercialised fun, making it into a corporate value and a unique demeanour of its professionals. The heads of these businesses have combined two elements which seemed in the past to be mutually exclusive - fun and work - and have made them into a unique selling point when attracting and retaining the most scarce of resources: talent.

Key facts:

  • Work-related stress is one of the worst consequences of our time at work, and humour can be a great tool to combat it.
  • In this new book, the author highlights fun as an essential corporate value.



Sergio de la Calle

About Sergio de la Calle

Sergio de la Calle has twenty years of experience in the world of business. He is a sociologist, MBA, and postgraduate in Human Resources. He is currently the Director of Programmes in Telefónica Universitas, considered as one of the best corporate universities in the world. As an international speaker, he has spoken at conferences in ten countries with HEXA Spirit, The P World or Unleash HR, among others. Among them features the TEDx talk “El factor Eva” (“The Eva Factor”). He is also the author of Lidera con sentido del humor (Lead with a sense of humour) which was also published by Plataforma Editorial in 2020.


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