Falling in love with the future

Falling in love with the future

Enamorarse del futuro

By: Miquel Lladó

160 pages

One of the best experts in business strategy in Spain shares his work experience.

In this book the reader will find Miquel Lladó’s working methods and, moreover, this unique vision of his that has helped him build his own future and get to the highest of business leadership. Lladó, who knows very well the ins and outs of major companies management, offers loads of information from first-hand experience on real cases, taking the reader through an organic, accessible tour around those concepts that will be key to comprehending the needs of the company just as to implement the most successful strategies, even in these actual times of crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic.



Miquel Lladó

About Miquel Lladó

Miquel Lladó graduated in Economic and Business Sciences from Barcelona University. Since 2009 he teaches Strategy and General Management classes in IESE. He has completed management development programmes in IESE (PADE), Harvard Business School, Wharton School, Kellogg School of Management, ESADE, McGill University and IEDC Bled School of Management in Slovenia. Since 2008, he combines his lectureship with his job as strategy consultant at his own company Peak Business Advisory.


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