Lead with a sense of humor

Lead with a sense of humor

By: Sergio de la Calle

240 pages

The most efficient teams enjoy working

The author of these pages shows us that humour is an essential tool for team management and a way to help us stand out in the work environment. Humour increases the impact of communication, it promotes creativity, improves learning, facilitates negotiations and conflict management, reduces stress and strengthens the resilience and cohesion of teams.

This book will not teach you how to tell jokes. On the contrary, you will discover what your type of humour is, what are the most effective subjects to joke about, how to tell memorable stories that will make you laugh for ten seconds but leave you thinking for ten minutes. Lead with a Sense of Humour will help you strengthen an essential skill in order to create an atmosphere in which persons can be productive whilst simultaneously enjoying the work that they are doing.



Sergio de la Calle

About Sergio de la Calle

Sergio de la Calle has twenty years of experience in the world of business. He is a sociologist, MBA, and postgraduate in Human Resources. He is currently the Director of Programmes in Telefónica Universitas, considered as one of the best corporate universities in the world. As an international speaker, he has spoken at conferences in ten countries with HEXA Spirit, The P World or Unleash HR, among others. Among them features the TEDx talk “El factor Eva” (“The Eva Factor”). He is also the author of Lidera con sentido del humor (Lead with a sense of humour) which was also published by Plataforma Editorial in 2020.


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