Economy of happiness

Economy of happiness

By: Josep M. Coll y Xavier Ferrás

248 pages

Economy of happiness analyses the crossroads at which we find ourselves. Without denying the dystopic risks that are lurking in humanity's path, it sketches a roadmap for taking advantage of the golden opportunities that technology offers for ridding the world of poverty, inequality and precarious labour.


Josep M. Coll y Xavier Ferrás

About Josep M. Coll y Xavier Ferrás

Josep M. Coll is a professor at EADA Business School, international development consultant for the European Commission and the United Nations, and creator of Zen Business. Xavier Ferràs holds a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Barcelona, MBA from ESADE Business School and Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He is the author of Innovación 6.0, also published by Plataforma Editorial.

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