Graphology in Talent Management

Graphology in Talent Management

An introduction to the applications of this fascinating yet controversial technique, increasingly used by businesses all over the world.

By: Sandra M. Cerro Jiménez

280 pages

Business / HUman Resources

“Sandra Cerro writes, speaks and works with the same methodological disparity as her handwriting shows, that is, with elegance, originality and confidence.” Eduardo Evangelista, director of the Instituto Igraphos (Salvador de Bahía, Brazil) “The optimum solution for an efficient personnel search.” Antonello Pizzi, president of the International Association of the Psychology of Writing (Milan)

Handwriting is the graphic manifestation of personality. This is why graphology, a scientific technique to study personality through handwriting analysis has become an extremely useful tool for the selection and management of professionals in a business environment. Qualities, abilities, attitudes, motivations, worries, desires, plans, and, over all, talent can be identified through graphology.

This book provides an introduction to the applications of this fascinating yet controversial technique, increasingly used by businesses all over the world. Of particular relevance to Human Resources professionals, this book provides a valuable introduction to graphic analysis of handwriting, and an exhaustive study of the numerous skills and keys needed to employ this technique in recruitment, talent management and designing efficient working groups.


Sandra M. Cerro Jiménez

About Sandra M. Cerro Jiménez

With a degree in Law, a masters qualification in Human Resources, and a postgraduate qualification in forensic handwriting analysis, Sandra Maria Cerro Jiménez is a graphologist, legal graphologist, and graphology teacher. She directs the Centro de Grafología Sandra Cerro centre in Madrid. She works with various companies on recruitment and talent management through graphology. She is a researcher, conference speaker, columnist, the author of various publications, and a collaborator with various educational centres, like the UNED (the Spanish National Distance Education University), Rey Juan Carlos University, and cultural centres like the Spanish National Library and various museums. She is also the author of various books like Grafología pedagógica aplicada a la orientación vocacional (Pedagogical Graphology for Career Guidance), and Cómo redactar informes grafológicos (How to Write Graphology Reports).

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