Gente emprendedora

Gente emprendedora

Entrepreneurial People, Quality People

By: Manuel Bermejo

248 pages


Welcome to the entrepreneurial revolution

We are living in a time of genuine entrepreneurial revolution. Entrepreneurship has become a way out for many people in the current economic situation. For an organisation to be profitable, sustainable and scalable, it is vital it maintains an entrepreneurial nature. Written in a direct and entertaining style, this book has three main aims: • To vindicate and highlight the value of entrepreneurs, the true people of quality. It is only entrepreneurial societies, entrepreneurial organisations and entrepreneurial leaders that will be able to compete successfully in the 21st century. • To help you to release your entrepreneurial side, if you have not already done so. • To share the author's experiences, accumulated over more than two decades of entrepreneurship, teaching and advising entrepreneurs and family businesses, in order to facilitate the complex task of maintaining your own successful business in the changing society we live in.


Manuel Bermejo

About Manuel Bermejo


Manuel Bermejo is one of Spain's most renowned experts in the area of entrepreneurship and family businesses. He is a tenured professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship at IE Business School and a regular speaker at international conferences. He combines his teaching and management work in IE with senior management roles in different companies operating in various sectors like venture capital, entertainment, food processing and industry. He has led various business projects and has held advisory positions in many entrepreneurial organisations and companies, mainly family businesses, in Europe as well as Latin America.

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