Money has become the ruler of the world. By facing up to our relationship with money with bravery and honesty we will be able to reach our most human dimension. This book analyses questions such as savings, the ecological, social and financial crisis, the ethical bank, poverty, donations … The author believes that the State, the bank, industry works due to the money that individuals have, the citizens, all of us. In other words, the power of the citizen is not so much to be found in their vote but in the way they handle their money, the way they consume and invest their savings. In short, this is a wake-up call to taking responsibility of our actions.
Joan Antoni Melé Cartañá, durante treinta años de profesión bancaria ha tenido la oportunidad de observar y conocer de primera mano la relación de las personas con el dinero, y las consecuencias que se derivan. Desde 2006 trabaja en la banca ética Triodos Bank como Director Territorial de Cataluña y Baleares, actividad que compagina con la de conferenciante de temas socioeconómicos y de humanidades.
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