Reinventing Yourself

Reinventing Yourself

Your Second Chance

By: Mario Alonso Puig, MD

192 pages

Science Help

Rights sold to: WE (Marshall Cavendish), France (Editions de l´Archipel), Portugal (Esfera dos Livros), Germany (Goldmann/Random House), Brazil (Vergilia), Italy (Grupo Mauri Spagnol), Spanish Book Club (Círculo de Lectores), Poland (Swiatksiazki), Lithuania (Alma Littera), Taiwan (Business Weekly), Korea (Beautiful People), Japan (Achievement), Russia (Olympus Business), Greece (Psychogios).

This book is a map which will accompany us on a trip inside ourselves. Little by little the secret of how people create the eyes through which we observe and perceive the world, will be revealed. It is with the same eyes that so often make us focus on our guilt about the past rather than on future opportunities.


Reinventing yourself does not mean becoming someone different from how we really are but rather bring our REAL SELF to the surface. It is in this new area of possibilities where creativity flows, along with the wisdom and energy to completely transform our experience, bringing with it more calm, desire and confidence into our lives. The key lies within ourselves, in the exercising of our personal freedom, taking choices that slowly bur surely lead us to transform our outlook.



Mario Alonso Puig, MD

About Mario Alonso Puig, MD

Mario Alonso Puig, medical specialist in General Surgery and the Digestive Apparatus, fellow in surgery at the faculty of medicine at Harvard University in Boston. Member of the Academy of Sciences of New York and of the American Association for the Advance of Science. He has dedicated a large part of his life to exploring the impact that mental processes have on making the most of our talent and state of health, energy and well-being. Speaker at HMS Talents, he has been invited by institutions such as MD Anderson Cancer Center of Houston (United States), the Global Leadership Center of INSEAD (France) and the Pythagorus University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). He currently gives conferences and delvers courses on Leadership, Communication, Creativity and Stress Management both at international as well as at a national level.

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