Where Is the Limit?

Where Is the Limit?

I don't know where the limit is, but I know where it's not

By: Josef Ajram

128 pages

Memoir - Sport - Personal Development

Rights sold to: Italy (Grupo Mauri Spagnol)

Can you be a broker and a racetracker and be successful in both activities? This book explains how. Josef Ajrams' website,, gets more than a million hits on a daily basis.

Full manuscript available in English

 “I’m no ex-broker who got depressed one day, decided to start a new life, begin from zero, give up the Stock Exchange and spend his time on his bike. No, I’m not one of those. I decided to become a racetracker and to take part in the most difficult trials in the world because I wanted to find out where exactly is the limit to what a human body can do – where was my limit. In the same way as a good broker in the stock Exchange who sniffs about, listens, tries things out and takes risks in order to make the most of a good scent and works out until which point he should keep going and in which moment he has to sell.”


Josef Ajram

About Josef Ajram


Josef Ajram (Barcelona, 1978), apart from being a successful broker, is the first Spanish sportsman who has completed such difficult competitions like the Ultraman in Hawai and in Canada, where after swimming 10 exhausting kilometres across the ocean, the participants pedalled for 421 kilometres and ended up running the equivalent of two marathons. He is excepcional in his capacity for rigorous training and his over-whelming enthusiasm for competing.


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