Chronic inflammation is behind many cardiac, respiratory, joint, and digestive illnesses, as well as cancer. In this book you will discover how our lifestyle (stress, quantity of physical exercise, type of diet, the emotions that build up inside us, the social relationships we form, etc.) contribute to increase or stop inflammation, which alters the ecosystem of microorganisms that live in our intestine: so-called intestinal microbiotics.
Key facts:
Silvia Gómez Senent is a doctor specialising in the digestive system. She has worked in Hospital de La Paz in Madrid since 2007 and is the head of the Internal Gastroenterology Unit at the Hbn39 Specialist Medical Clinic. She is involved with various research projects in microbiotics and intestinal permeability. She is a clinical professor-collaborator at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a master's professor in Microbiotics at Universidad Europea de Madrid, and director of the Qualification of Expert in Intestinal Permeability at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
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