Your first brain

Your first brain

Tu primer cerebro

By: Xavi Cañellas

192 pages

This is the first book that relates three of the most interesting health-related issues nowadays: microbiota, stress and the brain.

We are used to thinking that what we eat depends on our mood, but this correlation also applies in reverse. This book explains how emotions, diet and health relate to each other and, especially, the relation between our microbiota, modern-day pace of life and the choices we make.



Xavi Cañellas

About Xavi Cañellas

Xavi is a psychoneuroimmunologist and has been practicing medicine for the past 15 years. He graduated with a degree in physiotherapy from the university of Salamanca and then earned a master's in clinical psychoneuroimmunology from the Universtiy of Girona. He founded, along with his three partners, Regenera, a business dedicated clinical psychoneuroimmunology education. He is the co-director and teacher of the University Expert Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology and Scientific Evidence Course for the EFHRE International University and responsible for the development of the Pediatric Psychoneuroimmunology. Currently, he is working on a master's in molecular biology and biomedicine from the University of Girona (UDG) and is a collaborating researcher for the project: “Food, ecological balance and regulating inflammation” directed by the Eumetabolism and Nutrition Research Group at the Biomedical Research Institute of Girona Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI).

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