Healthy Kids, Healthy Adults

Healthy Kids, Healthy Adults

By: Xavi Cañellas, Jesús Sanchís

280 pages

Submerged in an abundance of food and drugs, our kids are becoming more and more asthmatic, allergic, atopical and more obese. We have gone from getting sick from infections to getting sick from being excessively clean and having a lack of microbes. We have replaced real food with edible products. We have gone from fleeing from the lions to living among a heard of them. Occasional stress has become chronic stress. The intestinal microbiota, the microbes that live in our intestines, along with food and stress management are three key factors that we should take care of in order to enjoy a healthy life as kids and adults. play the same way in the collective activity that they develop together. Often some couldn't care less, others do the minimum and a few wear themselves out. This book offers different strategies to equalize the level of commitment of all the members of a team. - Once the objectives are outlined and both their corresponding costs measured in terms of effort and sacrifice, and the consequences of assuming this responsibility are accepted, to come to a consensus on the level of commitment of the members of the collective and to agree on the goal the team aspires to reach. - To form groups according to the level of commitment that the members of the team are open to offering to reach the goal. - To pass on the level of commitment to the rest of the group: when the ace of the group is worn out, the rest of the group gets down to work.


Xavi Cañellas

About Xavi Cañellas

Xavi is a psychoneuroimmunologist and has been practicing medicine for the past 15 years. He graduated with a degree in physiotherapy from the university of Salamanca and then earned a master's in clinical psychoneuroimmunology from the Universtiy of Girona. He founded, along with his three partners, Regenera, a business dedicated clinical psychoneuroimmunology education. He is the co-director and teacher of the University Expert Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology and Scientific Evidence Course for the EFHRE International University and responsible for the development of the Pediatric Psychoneuroimmunology. Currently, he is working on a master's in molecular biology and biomedicine from the University of Girona (UDG) and is a collaborating researcher for the project: “Food, ecological balance and regulating inflammation” directed by the Eumetabolism and Nutrition Research Group at the Biomedical Research Institute of Girona Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI).

Jesús Sanchís

About Jesús Sanchís

Jesús is a dietician-nutritionist, disseminator and researcher. Among other recognitions, he has received National Awards for the best record in Spain for his undergraduate studies in human nutrition and dietetics (University of Valencia) and the superior cycle of physical and athletic activities, like the Extraordinary Award for Master of Integrative Physiology (University of Barcelona). Currently he is working on his doctoral thesis in the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine at the University of Valencia, where he is investigating strategies to address intestinal microbiota like therapeutic targets to meet the metabolic changes characteristic of obesity and comorbidities. He collaborates as a teacher on various master programs and gives his own seminars.

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