This is the testimony of someone who, to get over this situation, decided to start running and, step by step, got to participate in the marathons of Madrid, London, Berlin, New York, Boston and Chicago. The author, speaking from his personal experience and his medical education, proves in this book that anyone can be a runner, just if he really wants to and has the necessary information.
In these pages, the reader will also learn some technics about training, nutrition, the marathon logistics, preventions and injuries treatment. That’s why From couch to coaching will become a personal trainer, leading the way to becoming an athlete, clearing doubts, providing useful facts and, most of all, cheering to keep the good work.
Antonio Ríos Luna is a doctor who’s a specialist in Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery, and also a doctor in Epidemiology and Public Health. He is a member of the American Academy of Traumatologists and an associated teacher of the Department of Neuroscience and Health Services at the University of Almeria. He is the author of numerous scientific articles.
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