This book and DVD are aimed at everyone who wants to learn to eat well and cook healthily. The nutrition we propose is one that respects the seasons and the movements of nature, and the varied produce mother nature provides at different times of year. This new form of nutrition seeks to balance the body according to our own personal functions.
Dr Jordi Forés is qualified in medicine and surgery by the University of Navarra, and is a specialist in homeopathy and alternative medicines. He has been a practicing doctor since 1991, working in private medicine in Manresa and Barcelona. He currently co-directs the Drs Forés-Pérez medical centre, focusing on informing and educating via social networks and the foresperez blog.
Dr María Pérez is qualified in medicine and surgery by the University of Navarra, and is a specialist in homeopathy and alternative medicines. She has been a practicing doctor since 1991, working in private medicine in Manresa and Barcelona. She currently co-directs the Drs Forés-Perez medical centre, assisting her patients with the changes necessary to achieve a healthier lifestyle.