Have you got a pain in your back and with your emotions? Does this pain have anything to do with grief, fear, insatifaction or stress by any chance? Well, yes, to a large extent. As Sir William Osler, considered to be the father of modern medicine put it, “The organs weep the tear drops that the eyes refuse to let drop.” Have you been suffering from lumbalgia for some time and nobody has been able to find a remedy for it? I can already tell you that there are not any magic formulas and neither will you find them in this book. Nevertheless, being aware of the inter-relatedness that exists between the skeleton, the muscles and the brain gives us valuable clues as to how to alleviate or even solve this pain.
David Ponce (Barcelona, 1968) holds a Masters in Osteopathy and a Diploma in Physiotherapy. Diet and nutrition, homeopathy, tradicional Chinese medicine and ayurveda and many other subjects make up his personal holistic vision of health. Founder of one of the main clinics specialised in Osteopathy in Barcelona. He gives classes on several courses and collaborates with the Centro de Alto Rendimiento (CAR) of Sant Cugat, Barcelona.