Tell him to get lost

Tell him to get lost

By: Silvia Llop

328 pages

You deserve something better

ADo you get the feeling that you’re a magnet for men that don’t value you, don’t compromise, and are not ready for a relationship, but you don’t know how to stop attracting them? This book will provide you with the tools to understand which mistakes you are making. Through 25 exercises, a variety of testimonies from women, and some lessons – all washed down with a tall glass of humour –, you will find the key to choosing a man who will give you respect, love, and affection, without having to give up who you are.

Key facts:

  • An author with wide-ranging media coverage, with more than 20,000 followers on Instagram.
  • In the middle of the pandemic, beginning and strengthening a romantic relationship has gotten much more complex.



Silvia Llop

About Silvia Llop

Silvia Llop studied psychology at Universitat de Barcelona, with a master’s in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), and takes part in the Federación Internacional de Coaching y Mentoring (The International Federation of Coaching and Mentoring). Before specialising in helping women to choose their partners better, she worked in marketing, creative writing and with children.


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