By: Francesc Torralba Roselló

184 pages

Ideas and questions after the pandemic

In his new book, Francesc Torralba contends that crises are opportunities to take stock of our way of life and to approach the future from a new perspective. In Vivir en lo esencial, the author delves into the lessons that have been learned during this lockdown period. The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed us to rediscover values such as care, gratitude, humility, solidarity, patience, perseverance, generosity, and dedication, whose importance is rarely appreciated nowadays. This pyramid of values will prove essential in terms of dealing with the social and economic tsunami that has begun to impact our lives. Vivir en lo esencial is an invitation to calmly and thoroughly rethink how we live, how we relate and mix with each other, how we produce and consume whilst attempting to imagine a different future, another possible world for ourselves and future generations.



Francesc Torralba Roselló

About Francesc Torralba Roselló

Francesc Torralba Roselló (Barcelona, 1967) holds a Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology. He chairs ETHOS at the University Ramón Llull which is dedicated to ethical behaviour within organisations. He has written more than fifty books and part of his work has been translated into many language, like French, German, and Italian. He runs courses and gives conferences around the world and he is a consultant for different non-profit making organisations. El arte de saber escuchar, El sentido de la vida and Sosegarse en un mundo sin sosiego (this last also published by Plataforma) are among his latest publications.

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