Family constellations are already part of the toolbox of many psychotherapists, teachers, lawyers, doctors, directors, coaches and a long list of professions and jobs. Their findings have started to permeate the theory and practice of other areas of knowledge.
Their action-oriented approach, hypnotic nature and phenomenological attitude have occasionally caused us to forget that constellations are, first and foremost, an instrument. This book is an essential tool for all those who want or need to keep up to date in this discipline.
Carlos Bernués is a Psychology and Law graduate who specialised in Economic Sciences. He studied Gestalt, bioenergetic and dynamic group therapy at the Institute of Emotional Psychotherapy and Group Techniques (IPETG) in Bilbao and on the SAT programme for Integrative Psychology with Doctor Claudio Naranjo. In 1998, he first came into contact with the work of Bert Hellinger and that of several of his followers in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, Chile and Brazil. He has coordinated family constellations workshops in Uruguay, Spain, Argentina and Italy, and he has led study and supervision groups, as well as formations of family constellations and Gestalt therapy groups. He has been Head of the Bert Hellinger Centre in Uruguay since 2005.
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