About Adolf Tobeña
Adolf Tobeña is a professor of psychiatry at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He has had an extensive research career in the neurobiology of emotions at the Neurosciences Institute and the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine – Bellaterra campus. He has been a visiting professor at the Institute of Psychiatry from the Univeristy of London and at universities in Groningen, Tel Aviv, Venice and Cordoba (Argentina), and a speaker at a variety of international forums. He is a columnist and director of scientific debate programs for several media outlets. He won the Avui Award for scientific journalism in 1991; Ciutat de Barcelona de Ciencia Award in 1992; Serra i Moret Award for citizenship in 1994; European Award for scientific dissemination “General Study” in 2004, y Crítica Serra d'Or Award for science writing in 2014. He has published several essays on the subject of this book, some standout titles being, Anatomía de la agresividad humana (Anatomy of Human Aggression) (2001); Mártires mortíferos (Lethal Martyrs) (2004); Cerebro y poder (Brain and Power) (2008) and Devotos y descreídos (Believers and Non-Believers) (2014).