The Formula for Love

The Formula for Love

By: Miquel Iglesias, Natalia Urdinguio

248 pages

What is behind apps like Tinder or date websites like The results of the investigations undertaken by Dr. Helen Fisher of MIT, to which we have to thank for love ceasing to be considered an unknown variable and instead treated as a developable skill. This book explains the method developed from this knowledge in order to help everyone find their most suitable partner.


Miquel Iglesias

About Miquel Iglesias

Miguel Iglesias is founder and CEO of the Escuela Neurocientífica del Amor [Neuroscientific School of Love], with schools in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. A psychologist, he holds a master's degree in neuroscience and studied with Richard Bandler, Anthony Robbins and Mark Manson.

Natalia Urdinguio

About Natalia Urdinguio

Natalia Urdinguio is the director of the Escuela Neurocientífica del Amor [Neuroscientific School of Love]. She studied communications and public relations, ontological coaching and holds a master's in neurolinguistic programming.

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