Get your life in order

Get your life in order

By: Alicia Iglesias

128 pages

After the trend of keeping our homes ordered and well-organised, the time has come to stop and think. Why do we need order around us and what benefits does it bring? Alicia Iglesias takes one step further and shows us how to order our spaces, our time and even our lives to the maximum. This is hands down a book about how to have a more relaxed and happy life.


Alicia Iglesias

About Alicia Iglesias

Alicia Iglesias is a professional organiser and organisation coach. She can organise your home, help with your move or guide you in forging routines for a simpler, happier life. She has created her own organisation method: The 21-day method. She has more than 50,000 followers and the media likes to call her the Spanish Marie Kondo.

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