When you had a complicated and hard life, ¿how to open your heart to your family? ¿How can one integrate the hardest things? ¿How can we correctly place in our life the things that hurt, irritate or disturb us? There isn’t just one answer to that, but Eva Bach and Cecilia Martí have created something beautiful, inspiring and really useful: a work that brings clarity, strength and serenity.
Trough their letters, they invite us to love our roots and to assume them however they are. It is an easy going, sweet, entertaining and wise conversation, throwing light to the dark parts of the relationships between parents and their children, and remind us about the dignity that exists in being who we are and help us to calm down in front of the demands of idealized and rigid models. Words are a balm for the soul when they are full of living message. And this book is full of hope, respect and vitality.